This site is the property of SAS SERENITY RENTALS Lambesc Agency: 2 avenue des 4 Termes - 13410 Lambesc RCS Salon de Provence Siret : 821 290 319 00010 TVA : FR 62 821 290 319 Code APE : 6832A |
Business card "transactions on buildings and business premises and "Property management" N° CPI 1310 2019 000 043 169 issued by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Marseille-Provence |
Financial Guarantee and Professional Liability from Galian Insurance - 89 rue de la Boétie 75008 Paris Guarantee of €120,000 for Transaction activities and Management with holding funds |
I/ Vacation Rental Fees are payable by the owner - Management: 18% of the amount of the rent (included in the prices presented).- Rental Concierge: Flat Rate by Property
II/ Real Estate Sale Unless otherwise agreed, the fees shall be borne by the seller. Fees are calculated on the net selling price. |
Sale of houses and lands |
Simple Mandate | Exclusive Mandate |
From 0 à 200 000€ | 6% | 5% |
> 200 000 à 500 000€ | 5% | 4% |
More than 500 000€ | 4% | 3% |
Serenity Rentals 2, avenue des 4 Termes 13410 Lambesc France contact@serenityrentals.fr |
BookingSync Les Chazals 05100 Névache France legal@bookingSync.com |
Médiateur de la consommation
Sas Médiation Solution
222, chemin de la Bergerie 01800 Saint Jean de Niost. Tel. 04 82 53 93 06
Site : https://www.sasmediationsolution-conso.fr
Adhésion enregistrée sous le numéro : 11182/OC/2201